The Real World Benefits of Having a Great Smile

The dentist can definitely help you keep your teeth healthy and looking bright and shiny, but did you know that those benefits go beyond just good oral hygiene? Multiple studies have shown that when you smile and people see your clean, white teeth that it can help you positively influence many situations from first dates to job interviews. No matter what, seeing the dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups is a great idea, but we’re going to explore some outside benefits to having a winning smile and healthy teeth and gums!

Smiling Leads to Increased Likability

It’s not just about smiling, but having the confidence to smile broadly and unselfconsciously when you do. When you smile confidently and often, it actually makes you seem more likable, confident, and knowledgeable to others, according to this 2014 study published in The National Library of Medicine. When you smile often and confidently in social situations, it has real positive outcomes in your overall likability and even level of perceived trustworthiness. This can be a real game changer for job interviews to help you get an edge over your competition. So, in a way, going to the dentist and keeping your teeth clean and white can lead to a better career and stronger relationships! Smiling can also be contagious, like a sneeze, so spread the joy and smile more to help others smile.

man smiling in coffee shop with coffee cup in hand

Good Dental Health Builds Good Habits

It does take some work to build up to a dazzling white smile that you are confident to show off to others. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to brush well, making sure to use the right toothpaste, brush often enough, and floss thoroughly every day. Outside of homecare, you have to keep your regular appointments at your local dentist too. The good news is that when you can finally develop and stay on top of these habits you can use those skills to improve other areas of your life as well. Once you have your dental health under control, what other good habits can you develop?

Smiling Can Lead to Better Health Outcomes

The old saying goes that “laughter is the best medicine” but don’t discount the medicinal power of smiles too. Smiling and laughing can have positive health outcomes that can lead to a boosted immune system and even stress relief, according to the Mayo Clinic. Their study also showed beneficial internal organ stimulation, pain relief, increased blood circulation, and muscle relaxation. Take a moment and laugh and share a smile each day! It will help with your health and mood, plus it’s just fun to do. All of those things add up to you living a longer and healthier life. A 2009 study published by the National Institute of Health even showed that smiling and laughing leads to lowering of blood pressure.

One of the best things about smiling is that it’s free to do! Sometimes it’s easy to get in a bad mood or let the stress of everyday life overwhelm us, but if we take a moment to share a smile with others, it has tangible health benefits. Of course, part of having a great smile comes from brushing regularly, flossing everyday, and following through with your dentist checkups.

How Lake Harbor Dental Can Help

If you’d like more information or would like to make an appointment with one of the dentists on staff, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Lake Harbor Dental is conveniently located in Boise’s North End at the intersection of West State Street and North Harbor.