Sedation dentistry. What it means, how it works, why is it right for you?

At Lake Harbor Dental, we are proud to offer Boise’s best sedation dentistry options for you and your family. We know that it is important to have as many options as possible when it comes to the dental care and well being of your loved ones, so we strive to offer you the best care options that modern medicine will provide. One of those modern medical wonders is sedation dentistry! We can help you better prepare for and endure any procedure with our fantastic array of sedation options to choose from. Let’s look at some of the reasons you may want to choose sedation dentistry for your next procedure. 

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It can save you money (if you choose oral sedation over intravenous) 

Oral sedation like Diazepam, Midazolam, or nitrous oxide can be simply swallowed in pill form or taken orally as a gas like nitrous oxide. They are effective and safe and help ease pain and anxiety about dental procedures. These options can help you sleep better the night before knowing that you will be able to use these drugs for help during your procedure. They are also relatively inexpensive over other sedation options like being rendered completely unconscious through general anesthesia. 

It can help reduce dental anxiety

Many dentists will offer their patients a sleep aid for the night leading up to the procedure. This can help you avoid stress related insomnia and reduce your overall anxiety for the procedure. This is often coupled by a fast acting oral sedative like Midazolam just prior to the operation. During the operation, you are going to feel less pain and be in a more relaxed and calm state of mind. 

No needles are involved (with oral sedation)

Another great thing about oral sedation dentistry is that you can avoid needles! Since you will be using an alternative method of sedation, you will avoid having to be stuck with a needle to provide sedative delivery. Anytime you can avoid a needle is a win!

Who would most benefit from sedation dentistry?

This is a great option to help you save money and time in recovery, but it also is perfect for people who have specific issues with dentistry related procedures. If you suffer from severe phobias related to dentists or medical environments in general, then this is a great option. If you have noticed in the past that you are resistant to local anesthetics and they seem to let too much of the pain through, then this is also a great option. It has also been found that patients with smaller mouths or sore or injured jaws may want to consider oral sedation before due to increased stress or pain around the jaw. The last thing you need is to have an extra layer of pain after your procedure! 

After the visit

Since you will be very groggy and maybe even light headed after your visit, you will want to have a friend or family member pick you up and take you home. It is not recommended that you drive yourself home under any circumstances after taking a sedative for a dental visit. Remember, at Lake Harbor, we like to give you the most options when it comes to your dental care!